Lucy’s Website Home Page

A brief history of lucy’s website

When I first started posting on this website, I was all of 17 years old. I was studying history A-Level and our summer project was to research as much as we could about Russia for our coursework on the Russian revolution. We had to find a creative way to present the information and I thought this would be a fun project. Over the course of a few weeks I got very invested in producing a working website, complete with buttons and embedded videos of the Rasputin song from the Anastasia film.

Over the years since, I haven’t needed this website, and so I left it as it was at the end of my A-Levels. On occasion it would be a fun story to share, or a way to check information about Russia that I knew I once remembered but had forgotten in the time since (this actually happened on more than one occasion lol).

Now that I’m not doing that anymore, I’ve decided to expand this website as a sort of archive for different projects going on in my life. I’m leaving up all my coursework research, simply moving it away from the front page (I’m keeping the Russian revolution header though). I also updated the information I once uploaded about the American History section of my A-Level.

My newest venture is a blog to update my bestie about my life during the many months of the year that we live on opposite sides of the country.