Revolutions are a fairly common historical occurrence and they generally all have the same aim – to overhaul the entire system. They occur when the people are so discontent that they can be placated no longer. While they do quite often fail, there have been many memorable successes. From 1775 to 1783, the Americans revolted and gained their independence from the British Empire. Not long after, from 1789 to 1799, the French revolted and then formed their own republic after cutting their monarchs heads off. Linked to the French, their was also the Haitian revolution from 1791 to 1804 in which enslaved people liberated themselves against french colonialist rule. However, although all of these revolutions are unique and interesting to learn about, they are not the two that I am interested in.
By the 20th century, Russia, which was still ruled by a monarch with absolute power, was long overdue a revolution. People were starving to death cross the nation and after being, quite literally, shot down in 1905, there ended up being two different revolution in 1917. There was a first revolution in February, followed by a second one in October.